Why Paragon – For Distributors
There are three major benefits to partnering with Paragon, the No. 1 product feeder in the industry.
1. More Hits
Paragon’s stream of hits is real and consistent. We average 3-4 top 50 hits every year, according to independent reporting by DRMetrix. We are the No. 1 feeder company in the industry and are only growing and getting bigger as time goes on. As our reputation grows, so have our relationships with product sources and our product flow.
2. No Hassles
Paragon’s projects are truly turnkey. Before we bring a new project to the table, we have answered all of the questions and covered all of the concerns a DRTV company will typically have. Our projects have a finished commercial with a working CPO. We’ve solved all the product-development issues, substantiated all the claims, made sure the cost of goods is in-line with DRTV margins, conducted thorough QA and so on. In other words, Paragon’s presents come with a bow on top!
3. Industry Expertise
Paragon’s people are top industry experts. We are the people DRTV companies rely on to get the job done. Bill and his production team have shipped over 100 million products to date (more at ImpactProducts.com). Jordan and his creative team have produced more than 150 commercials to date (more at SciMark.com). Many of the systems and procedures the industry uses to identify new products create great commercials, and ship quality products at volume were pioneered and developed by the people at Paragon.

Why Paragon – For Product Sources
Paragon has paid out millions of dollars in royalties in just the last few years. For product sources, there are five major benefits to partnering with Paragon.
1. Better Odds
Paragon’s success rate is the best in the business. The industry-wide success rate is about one in 20. The top companies will hit one in 10. Our success rate is one in three. This high success rate is due to our reliance on advanced product-evaluation tools, consumer research, and online sales testing. These tools have now become industry standards, but we invented or co-invented all of them. They didn’t exist before us, and no is as advanced in their use as we are.
2. Guaranteed Payment
Paragon’s payouts are always on time and undiluted. The biggest problem with royalty deals: Not getting paid what was expected (thanks to dilution and/or “Hollywood accounting”). The second biggest problem: The amount of time it takes to get paid. Since we normally supply our distribution partners, our “royalties” (including our partner’s royalties) are built into the cost of goods. That also means we get paid when the product ships, not months after it sells. No one else in the industry can offer these payment terms because other product “feeders” can’t supply product (no team in China) and distributors can’t rationalize paying royalties upfront.
3. Zero Risk
Paragon’s partners get the upside without the downside. Even with our high success rate, two out of three of our DRTV tests fail. That means hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain. Our product sources pay none of it. Consumer research and online testing can also be quite costly, but here again, we also absorb these costs. In other words, it’s all upside when you work with Paragon.
4. Integrity & Transparency
Paragon’s reputation is built on trust. All companies promise transparency, but few deliver it. Some selectively share their TV reporting. No one shares retail sales reporting – and that’s 90 percent of sales! Because we supply the product, we know exactly what our (and your) profit will be. We also require our distribution partners to work with our preferred vendor-partners, so we have full access to campaign information. Of course, we don’t get detailed retail sales reporting, either. But for us, it doesn’t matter. We know what we have shipped, and those are the “sales” on which we get paid.
5. Comprehensive Resources
Paragon’s people are the best in the industry. Bill is the industry’s top manufacturing expert (see Bill’s story). Jordan is the industry’s top marketing expert (see Jordan’s story). We have our own team of 18 sourcing and supply experts in Hong Kong. In the US, our key strategic partners include a top commercial production company with more than 40 years of experience, the No. 1 media agency in the industry and the No. 1 digital agency in the industry. The bottom line: There is no key resource we don’t possess.